Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Cut The Cancer Out

Her venomous tongue scalds him.
She chews him right to the bone.
She throws him in when he can't swim.
Staring down from her glass throne.

He hangs up and she calls right back.
This argument has gotten stale.
His vision fades from red to black.
No end in sight to this sad tale.

He said, she said, who said that?
How did I disrespect you?
Lies go on but truth falls flat.
What else can he do?

He tries to reason where there is none.
All she does is moan and pout.
Only one thing left to be done,
Cut the cancer out.

Cut the cancer out.

For my coworker.


Blogger Phil said...

Yes, incidentally I hadn't even originally planned it as such, but there was no better way to describe the situation then one that was quite cancerous.

7:35 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

I like it.

I have a thought, as a Reader, and you can take it or leave it: I think the last line loses impact when it is the same as the title; because that is a great, GREAT line. Maybe if the title were just "Cut", or something else, it would pack a bigger punch.

a la Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on A Snowy Evening. The last line, repeated, would completely lose its effect if the poem was titled, "Miles to Go Before I Sleep."

Anyway, that was my experience in reading this, and who am I, really? It is your poem.

7:27 AM  

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